The Principles & Safty Rules


Technovit Inc. company sets Environmental protection and Safety workplace as the main priority and within the Environmental and Safety Management there was created a Policy for Environmental protection, Health and safety management (EHS), which specifies company´s commitments. EHS Policy creates a part of an Integrated company policy, which defines requirements for continual improvement in the field of Environment protection and Health and safety workplace.

Although Technovit Inc. company decided not to communicate externally about its significant environmental aspects, to ensure safety in the plant the external companies operating there are required to comply with applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the company subscribes and which relate to EHS and fire protection management.

External companies or visitors operating in the plant are committed to:

  • Familiarize all their workers operating in the plant area with these principles and confirm this in writing.
  • Comply with the obligations of legal requirements which relate to Environmental protection (waste management, chemical substances and mixtures management, packaging management, water and air protection) and are legally responsible for its breach.
  • Comply with the safety, hygiene and fire protection requirements and are legally responsible for its breach.

A) Waste management:

  • To collect produced waste, sorted according to the type of waste, in the appropriate collection containers, if the external company is not obliged to dispose the waste at its own expense.
  • In the areas of waste generation, it is not allowed to store the waste outside the designated collection containers and in those the waste be stored according to the waste category, it means that waste will not be mixed.
  • Waste must be secured against undesirable spillage threatening the environment.
  • Municipal waste, which is generated in the plant, is collected in the designated containers, where there no dangerous nor recyclable waste must be collected.

B) Management of chemical substances and mixtures:

  • Dangerous chemical substances and mixtures must be stored so that they could not leak into the surrounding environment. Liquid chemical substances and mixtures must be stored on the sump tray.
  • If the chemical substances and mixtures are poured into non-original containers, these containers must be labelled so that there would be no possibility of exchange the substance for another one (or even beverage). The containers must always be labelled at least with the name of chemical substance or mixture.
  • Persons handling the dangerous chemical substances and mixtures must be verifiably familiarized with hazardous identification (effects) of the substances and mixtures, with first-aid measures as well as with fire-fighting and accidental release measures. This ensures the external company at its own expense.
  • In case of chemicals spillage, it is necessary to secure the place of release with sorbent (sawdust, fib roil or another absorption recourses) and immediately inform the Production manager of the plant. In case of his unavailability it is necessary to contact the Company Director.

C) Water Protection:

  • When manipulating with oil substances and substances harmful to water at the working area, the oil substance must be protected by two barriers to avoid the leakage into the environment. It means, that the tank, filled with the substance, must be situated on the retention basin, which in case of damage of the primary sealing barrier retains the whole amount of this barrier. Alternatively, the substance must be stored in the double shell tank.
  • Areas, where there it is handled with the substances harmful to water, must be situated away from drains and water sources. In this case it is also necessary to have the absorbent materials available.
  • When working there must be no oil leakage into the environment. If this occurs, it is necessary to secure the place of leakage with absorbent material (sawdust, vapex) immediately. Absorbent material soiled by oil substances is necessary to store in the appropriate collection containers.
  • In case of accidental leakage of substances, it is necessary to use absorbent material (sawdust, vapex, ext.) and to inform the Production Manager immediately. In case of his unavailability it is necessary to contact the Company Director.

Rules for safe movement in the plant area:

  1. Smoking and manipulating with open fire is prohibited in the whole area of the plant. Smoking is allowed only at the designated areas.
  2. Entry into the plant area is allowed only when accompanied by Technovit representative or security worker, that ensures entrance to the plant.
  3. Persons, that are to be found in the plant premises with the Technovit consent, can move there only accompanied by Technovit personnel ensuring operating of the workplace and trained in Fire protection and Occupational Health and Safety.
  4. Areas designated as hazardous explosive areas (always marked with yellow triangle with an “EX” sign) must not be entered by any person without accompaniment - authorized employee from Technovit company- trained in Explosion protection. In these areas it is strictly banned to use el. devices that are not intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.
  5. Entry to the preparation premises under influence of alcohol or other addictive substances and its´ bringing or importation into the premises is strictly prohibited. It is also strictly forbidden to consume intoxicating substances nor alcoholic beverages throughout the premises.
  6. Pay particular attention to the movement of trucks and vehicles when moving on the designated roads and in the area of cylinders storage.
  7. If you find out health hazard, possibility of fire, explosion or release of hazardous gases during your stay, alert this immediately to accompanying staff of Technovit.
  8. n case of emergency (alarm) evacuate yourself together with accompaniment to the reserved area near the gatehouse and wait for further instructions.
  9. Persons under 15 years are not allowed to enter the company premises with the exception of organized excursions and visits.
  10. In case of any doubts or queries, please contact a person who accompanies you.
  11. Protective equipment is provided by your own employer. It relates especially to the protective footwear with reinforced toe and protective glasses when moving in the production hall, reflective vest within the whole company area.

Due to the fact, that Technovit premises is interconnected through the roads with the Linde Gas premises and uses the same gatehouse and access paths, it is necessary to respect also the safety instructions of Linde Gas company.

Possible threats:

  • Activities associated with the storage and mainly manipulation when using the pallet trucks, which creates a source of risk of injury. When storing goods, especially when handling the movement of pallet trucks (when reversing, handling with material – possibility of material fall, when driving in and out of the storage area of the premises, driving into somebody, thrusting somebody to the barrier by the lift truck, the truck fall onto somebody – turning over).
  • When handling the cylinders there is a risk of falling transported goods on somebody and also possibility of falling down from the storage ramp.
  • When handling the technical device, which is life and health threatening (e.g. electric device, lift trucks, road vehicles, welding)
  • At the prohibited activities on the machinery, instruments and tools that have not been assigned to the work and also at the entry into the places, where it is not allowed to go to (electric distributing centre, ramps).
  • When walking around the company premises there is the possibility of danger accidents – spraining, slipping, stumbling mostly on unevenness or through the winter season.
  • At the vehicles and industrial trucks out of operation there is a possibility of danger and risk of fire due to wiring short circuit.
  • Danger and risk of fire and injury arises also from violation of bans on smoking and open flames.
  • To eliminate the risks as much as possible, it is necessary for all employees and other persons entering the company premises to have a consent of the Plant Manager or authorized representative.

Fire protection

a) Generally applicable rules and regulations effective in the organization to ensure the fire protection, the prevention of fires and their control, the basic obligations of individuals under these regulations:

  • Act No 133/1985 Coll. on Fire Protection
  • Regulation no. 246/2001 Coll. on determining the fire safety conditions, §1-16, 18,19,23-40,41-53
  • Organizational Directive for Fire protection

b) Familiarization with the requirements of Fire Protection in the performance of fire hazardous activities

  • determination of no smoking areas
  • welding following the decree no. 87/1999 Coll., CSN 050610, 050601, 050630, 050600
  • identification of the person responsible for the workplace

c) Familiarization with the documentation of Fire protection of the workplace in relation to the fire hazard.

  • fire alarm regulation, fire evacuation plan– emergency routes and exits
  • Fire regulations of individual workplaces
  • Fire book
  • staff training and training evidence
  • list and location of safety signs

d) Fire hazards of individual workplaces

  • characteristic of flammable substances and materials, the amount of stored flammable substances, notification on specific technical equipment and fire safety equipment.

e) The Fire Alarm

The emergency signals – Emergency situation (ALARM)
Fire, Explosion, the extraordinary event is sounded by:

  • SOUNDER for the whole company premises area (incl. Linde Gas area).
  • Calling 3 times “FIRE“ for each workplace

e) Vyhlášení požárního poplachu

Havarijní signály – vyhlášení nouzového stavu (POPLACH)
Požár, výbuch, mimořádná událost se vyhlašuje:

  • SIRÉNOU pro celý areál Technovit a Linde Gasu a.s.
  • Voláním 3x HOŘÍ pro konkrétní pracoviště

Fire Reporting: Linde Gas Inc. and Technovit Inc.- for both premises is the same report service: Telephone number-8850.

f) Types of fire-extinguisher and fire safety equipment

  • location and types of fire-extinguisher, location of fire hydrants and the way of usage.
  • location of the main energy closing
  • familiarization with exits

Furthermore familiarized with:

  • Evacuation Plan (text and graphic part, exits)
  • Fire Regulation
  • No smoking rules
  • Fire alarm Directive
  • Location of fire-fighting techniques and the usage.

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